Updated 14th October 2024
14th October 2024
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 Mazarron Bridge team game was held on

Saturday 1st December 2018

 The match took place at the The Arches bar/restaurant Lo Narejos. The main reason we used this bar was because the town hall in Los Alcazares refused permission for us to use Las Claras community centre although no reason was given.

However we had a really fabulous day and although one or two players got lost on the way we started at 11am. Play continued without any hitches and Lunch took play after two rounds of play.

The Arches really did us proud with a supèrb lunch for 36 people all served quickly and effieciently with everybody pleased. Play resumed at 14.30 for a further two rounds before the final scores were added up.

The final result was 108 imps to Los Alcazares and 76 to Mazarron, a good result for the home team and everybody agreed on a very enjoyable day. We all look forward to a return match in 2019 in Mazarron.

I would like to thank all those who took part, see below, for their help and support for this event, for the reserves and also Barbara for stepping in when one of our players felt a little unwell. My thanks also for the excellent service we received from Lil and her staff at the Arches bar.

Ron Odell tournament director


Pictures of this event see Photos page



El juego del equipo Mazarron Bridge se llevará a cabo en

Sábado 1 de diciembre de 2018
  Jugaremos en un bar / restaurante llamado los Arcos. Vaya a Los Alcázares por la autopista AP7 y salga en Los Alcázares Norte. La rotonda de donde sale de la AP7 verá un gran arco sobre la carretera y el lugar está al lado. Muy fácil de encontrar.


Agenda provisional

Llegada a las 10.30 para café (no incluido en el precio a continuación)
Juego de bridge para comenzar a las 11.00 am
Almuerzo aproximadamente a las 12.30.
Puente para reiniciar entre las 13.00 y las 14.00.
Terminar cuando estemos.
Costo de un almuerzo de 3 platos que incluye vino / cerveza 10 € (opción de postre o café con almuerzo
Más información en el menú cuando esté disponible. Por favor, háganos saber ahora si alguien quiere una comida vegetariana.
Se espera tener 4 equipos de 4 y jugaremos 24 tableros en total. Más información sobre esto para seguir.

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